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Playlisting with Blondie

Monday 9AM-1AM

Wether it's from small, local bands from Orange County, or big bands from all around, there's good music everywhere. "Playlisting with Blondie" is all about experiencing life through music. A good mix of indie, rock, alternative, psychedelic, grunge, punk, and some funk to get you through another wonderful day.

dj by dDara from the Noun Project

Sophia is hardcore music lover and concert enthusiast. She has an extremely wide range taste of music, going from classic rock, to hardcore punk, to funky jazz. Overall loves collecting vinyls, drinking iced vanilla lattes, and talking about new upcoming events in town. She plans on working with a record label in production after completing schooling.

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The Flower Power Radio Hour

Monday 3PM-4PM

Girly vibes, women led music, and pop culture discussions.

dj by dDara from the Noun Project
Miranda D’Alfonsi

Miranda is a third year college student looking to have some fun. Her goal is to bring you a little positivity to your life.

Tabuus Tracks

Tabuu's Tracks

Monday 8PM – 9PM

Tabuu’s Tracks is not real. This show does not exist. You are hallucinating everything. Tabuu plays good music though.

dj by dDara from the Noun Project

TABUUGABBU wants to share a piece of their silly little brain through music. Have your tender eardrums tickled by the soundwaves of music Tabuu happens to choose for the week.



Monday 9PM – 10PM

This semester I want to deviate from my previous theme of ambient music and share more of my favorite music genres and deliver a unique mix of diffrent genres weekly. %appdata% is a windows file location that shows the files for applications on your computer, the applications in other words are the diffrent genres of music im bringing into my mixes that range from abiance, pop, techno, etc. I hope to put people on to their new favorite tracks through my show!

dj by dDara from the Noun Project

Erroric loves to find new ways to express themselves, whether it be through music, art, rock climbing or clothes. Based heavily on underground internet culture he wants to highlight the talent that gets overlooked so many times. He often finds himself fixating on a new artists every week and seeing how he can blend the sounds of different artists together to create a listening experience that has you guessing what will come next.

thesound Titan Radio

The Sound

Tuesday 2PM-3PM

The Sound is about playing a mix of unique music across different genres and languages. The show also has different themes for its episodes, such as songs for holidays and special occasions. Some episodes will be about the best songs from an artist/band, or playing an entire album and talking about the best tracks.

dj by dDara from the Noun Project

Pablo is DJ with a passion for art and music. He is very open to listening to new songs from different artists and bands. He also loves when friends and family recommend him songs, as he feels it’s important to discover new music.

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Your Temporary Fix

Tuesday 4PM – 5PM

My show is a mix of pop alt and rock music and where I talk about the songs I’m playing. I also occasionally host interviews with local bands and artists!

dj by dDara from the Noun Project

Amy is a 3rd year comm major and is the host Your Temporary Fix! She tends to play a lot of pop alt and rock music and does interviews with local bands and artists! Follow her dj insta acct to keep up with her show!

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The Queer Code

Tuesday 6PM – 7PM

With passion for LGBTQIA + visibility, the queer code explores what is means to be a queer person today through music from many genres. During this show, you’ll hear music from queer artists, songs that are queer coded and songs loved by the queer community. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover new music from artists of all different identities.

dj by dDara from the Noun Project

Gabi is a second year here at CSUF, and she is ecstatic to be a Titan Radio DJ for the first time! She’s loved music across all different genres, being inspired by artists like Joni Mitchell to Frank Ocean. She cannot wait to share her favorite tunes with you.

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Des's Mixtape Meetup

Wednesday 10PM – 11PM

“yap” sessions with friends, creatives, and creative friends where we play our favorite songs for each other while also discussing random questions and life!

dj by dDara from the Noun Project
Like all the other DJs, Destiny, or des, loves music! Growing up her dad was a DJ for a few years, she was a choir kid for 6 years, when she first met her fiancé they bonded over their favorite bands, and for a couple of years, she was a “merch girl”. Destiny is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Communications with a concentration in Tourism and Entertainment and has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Queer Studies. Besides listening to music, she enjoys reading, singing, drawing, learning new things, and hanging out with her puppy.
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Fatale Femme Feels

Thursday 7AM – 8AM

dj by dDara from the Noun Project
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Thursday 11AM – 12PM

Non LoFi, genre-spanning music you can listen to in the background while getting things done–or listen intentionally if you want. Each set will have a theme, so you can trust the vibe to stay the same throughout.

dj by dDara from the Noun Project
DJ eema

Emma is a lover of many things: her dog, eating good food, cheesy lesbian movies, and listening to music. In fact, sometimes she feels physically unable to complete even the easiest of tasks unless there is some music playing. Emma takes a great interest in discovering new things to listen to and, most of all, sharing it.



Thursday 2PM – 3PM

the holy, the romantic, the mundane

dj by dDara from the Noun Project

my vibe could bring back christ

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earth to space

Thursday 4PM – 5PM

Welcome to Earth to Space! The show where we play and say whatever we're feeling that week. Looking for some cool new music to drown out your thoughts to? Some podcast-style conversation to reel you back into reality? We're the show for you! Join us every week for an eclectic playlist of music and conversation about everything and nothing all at once!

dj by dDara from the Noun Project

Carla and Cristina Rivas are different, yet alike. Their passion for music, movies, and good conversation brings them together… most of the time. They grew up together, it can’t all be sunshine and rainbows!

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The Dean's List

Thursday 8PM – 9PM

The Dean’s List presents an hour of delightful musical whiplash for anyone who feels so inclined to tune in. Between hip hop, indie, R&B, pop, rock, electronic, and who knows what else, from smash hits to hidden gems, nothing is off limits.

dj by dDara from the Noun Project
Dj DeanJ on the track

Dr. Dean is a lifelong music enthusiast with a strong sense of humor and a fairly open mind. His diverse taste and extensive knowledge of popular music and its history allows him to create queues of songs that are wildly different from one another but still feel like they belong together.

Live From The Past

Live From The Past

Thursday 10PM – 11PM

With the birth of the internet, all kind of music exploded in popularity. Genres were even born out of internet culture, expressing life in the future and the past alike. Live from the Past is a look at internet genres like Vaporwave and Future Funk along with the history of the genres.

dj by dDara from the Noun Project
DJ Ophi

From the depths of the Internet come DJ Ophi! DJ Ophi has always had a love for music and is always looking for interesting new genres. Some interests of his are video games, anime, manga, and of course Music!

Open Ears Radio
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Open Ears Radio

Friday 10PM – 11PM

Open Ear Radio's goal is to share a large variety of music and explore the depths of numerous musical genres for gems to share with its listeners. We keep our ears open here at Open Ears Radio, ready to share the next gem with the world because music is meant to be shared as far and wide as possible.

dj by dDara from the Noun Project
DJ Buck Tooth

DJ bucktooth is always severing up the latest and greatest tracks on a weekly’s bases trying to open ears. Exposing the youth and even the elders to music that will change their life. Here at Open Ears Radio music is life and if you would like to experience it tune in !

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Mom Jeans & Caffine

Friday 8PM – 9PM

Discovering new artists and replaying the favs! Carve your own way in life with a coming of age soundtrack. Put a kick in your step with transformative music!

dj by dDara from the Noun Project
DJ QueenE

QueenE is the loudest introvert you’ll meet! She always has random or unique ideas and uses music as her escape. She’s always willing to have a conversation, but you’ll have to speak first

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Echo Garden

Friday 6PM – 7PM

Echo Garden is your weekly escape into a garden of dreamy, eclectic mix of music. Alternating between two hosts every week, we aim to make exploring new genres a groove filled adventure with tunes for the week. Along the way, we’ll occasionally share our lighthearted thoughts and opinions on music we’ve uncovered. Echo Garden hopes to bring an hour of good vibes for the soul and mind.

dj by dDara from the Noun Project
Lady Luna & Kiwi

Lady Luna and Kiwi are close friends who share a deep passion for music. After spending countless hours immersed in the dreamy ambiance of great company and playlists, they are excited to share this joy with others.

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Setlist Sound Waves

Saturday 11AM – 12PM

dj by dDara from the Noun Project
Bubbles & Grunge

Bubbles & Grunge

Saturday 12PM – 1PM

From bubbly indie dance pop to the heaviest black metal, my music taste spans many genres that it's hard to choose just one. This show is my way of teaching people there is more to music than what sounds good, but that peering into the small music communities may help you find your new favorite songs. Whether you want to learn more about a niche sub-genre or hear more music that fits a certain vibe, tune into my show Bubbles and Grunge for a unique setlist every week.

dj by dDara from the Noun Project
DJ Seener

DJ Seener is an animation student with a passion for all things music. When she’s not yapping about her new favorite artist or the history of an obscure genre, you’ll find her drawing, drinking coffee, at a concert, or doing all three at the same time!

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Curtains Up

Saturday 3PM – 4PM

A glimpse into theatre from the eyes of a current MT major student, also combined with various TikTok trends. A fun way to make your day special and live your broadway dreams.

dj by dDara from the Noun Project
Lily Janae

Lily is a DJ who appeals to all theatre lovers but also keeps up with the latest trends. She likes to laugh and make other people laugh.

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The Vault

Saturday 4PM – 5PM

Each week we will crack into my vault of music ranging from boyband hits to R&B classics and tv/film soundtracks. No matter your taste in music, The Vault will have something for everyone.

dj by dDara from the Noun Project

Ever since she can remember Des has lived and breathed all things pop culture and music, a passion inherited from her parents. Her love for music covers hidden gems, timeless classics and everything in between. Whether she is at a concert or creating a new playlist, she is always looking for new music to share or listen to!

Drop the Playlist Titan Radio

Turnt Tables & Burnt Cables

Saturday 5PM- 6PM

A station that provides music when you're feeling turnt up or burnt out. The Ying to the Yang of music taste. Whether you want to dance & go crazy or chill & unwind… we got it. We’ll have a blast from the past, present and even the future. DJ Lindzayyy has tunes you probably didn’t know you were looking for & we keep the party flowing!

dj by dDara from the Noun Project
DJ Lindzayyy

Lindzayyyy likes to keep the variety going. In her personal life she enjoys line dancing to country, moshing to metal, cruising to oldies, boppin to hyperpop, boogieing to funk, dancing to reggaeton, & the list goes on… Setting no limits to music listening is the way to go.

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Darkwave Transmission

Sunday 10AM – 11AM

Darkwave Transmission explores the soundscape of alternative music with a focus on goth, industrial, electronic, and post punk genres. Tune In to hear synth driven beats and atmospheric guitars, showcasing a mix of popular and emerging artist.

dj by dDara from the Noun Project

Sergio is a Communications Major and Orange County native, who loves collecting records and attending concerts. He has a broad taste in music, but especially loves 80’s indie and punk. His wardrobe consist of purely band tee’s.

High On KatNip

high on KatNip

Sunday 7PM – 8PM

KatNip Radio is just as it sounds: a place to listen to music and experience happiness, relaxation, and overall chill and euphoric vibes. It's a show for the pop girlies, and I'll mainly play pop, indie, R&B, and sometimes EDM music, depending on my mood. Throughout the show, I'll have snippets where I talk about pop culture, either by myself or with guests, about life as a college student, or give introspection to certain songs and lyrics.

dj by dDara from the Noun Project
DJ KatNip

DJ KatNip is a third-year transfer student from San Diego, CA. She loves listening to and sharing her music taste with other people and likes to romanticize and pretend she’s in a coming-of-age movie, with certain songs as her soundtrack. She’s excited to provide that feeling to other people and give insight into songs that people tend to overlook.

Who's on Aux

Who's on Aux

Sunday 9PM – 10PM

Who’s on aux is like the news but better. If you listen to my show and find at least one song you have never heard before then I have succeeded, regardless of whether you love it or hate it. who’s on aux has something for everyone 🙂

dj by dDara from the Noun Project

Reggie is a gay barista with a god complex (philosophy major) Her music taste is like the mystery flavored airhead, you don’t know what’s going on but you don’t hate it.



Sunday 9PM – 10PM

My shows purpose to open your mind to perspective through music. Bring nostalgia of music that reminds you of home and fun times out and about. Lets expand our music plate together ❤️

dj by dDara from the Noun Project

She’s true to herself which motivates u to do the same. Her shows remind me of facetiming someone while you get ready for whatever is gonna come you way. Knowing the flow musiv gives but mixing it up.