Beyond the Square
2020 pretty much sucked. For many people, probably one of the worst years ever. Optimists and Square Squad members Nick Garabedian and Mathieu Isanove wondered: “Did anything good come out of those twelve months?” Listen in to see what they discovered. (Teaser: Mat wrote a song!)
Square Squad members Joe-Joe Kelly and Solange Marcotte take a look at how CSUF students are coping, struggling, and thriving amidst global crises and long-term isolation. Candid conversations with fellow young artists and the sharing of works generated during COVID explore the many unique ways we have of caring for our health and creative well-being.
What happens when the entire entertainment industry completely shuts down and is deemed “non-essential”? Square Squad members Audrey Gibbs and Brianna Medina reached out to CSUF alumni working in film, television, and theatre to talk about COVID’s impact on the biz of show. Former Titans offer real time insights, inspiration and hope for those currently training to join a rapidly changing industry.
Square Squad members Nick Garabedian and Molly Renze take on dating and relationships in quarantine. Conversations with the single and coupled range from the embarrassing and weird to the romantic and downright hopeful. Listen in to find out if your connection is unstable!
Square Squad members Owen DiSciullo and Ashley Reed tackle the new student experience in an entirely online college world. Freshmen and transfer students discuss the highs and lows of their first year “virtually attending” CSUF, mostly quarantined in their bedroom, clad in sweatpants. As one guest put it, “I’ve never even seen the campus with people on it”.
Have you ever wondered, “What are my classmates doing when their cameras and sound are off?” Listening to a lecture from their shower? Peeing with the door open so they can keep taking notes? Napping? Join Square Squad members Sarika Mande and Solange Marcotte as they uncover the secret life beyond the square.
Production Team
Director/Executive Producer – Anne James
Stage Manager/Production Consultant – Jacob Ibarra
Assistant Stage – Miela Williams
Sound Design – Mitch Tharp & Sam Moss
Graphics – Alvin Chiu
Social Media – Molly Renze
Podcast Intro and Outro – Sarika Mande
Square Squad
Owen DiSciullo
Nick Garabedian
Audrey Gibbs
Mathieu Isanove
Joe-Joe Kelly
Sarika Mande
Solange Marcotte
Brianna Medina
Ashley Reed
Molly Renze