According to the American Psychological Association, synesthesia is “a condition in which stimulation of one sense generates a simultaneous sensation in another.” Continue Reading Synesthesia + Palette Playlist
If you’re looking for a “totally” 80’s experience, look no further than this odd Fullerton, CA establishment. Continue Reading Totally a Bummer 80’s Bar
Mingyu and Daniel review Rihannas Good Girl Gone bad! Give her the praise she deserves and they have some hot takes. Continue Reading Album Review: Rihanna Good Girl Gone Bad
A review of 1D's first album Up All Night (from the perspective of a die-hard Justin Bieber fan). Oh boy. Continue Reading Album Review: One Direction’s Up All Night
Titan Radio is California State University, Fullerton’s official radio station. We offer a platform for students, faculty and staff to express themselves through creative programming.